Example input file - molecule with known orientation.
In this example file, a molecule with known orientation is given to the program for TF calculation.
NOTE that in this and other example input files, the input blocks are indicated by including extra spaces at the beginning of each line. In addition, the commands are spelled out more completely, to make it easier to follow the input.
! ! Input file name: como1.inp ! title combined MR for 3eca monomer ! ! general program input ! print como1.prt polar xzk euler zyz orthogonalization axabz ! crystal cell 76.700 96.100 111.300 90.00 97.10 90.00 P 21 8 3ECA 310 fobs 3eca.cal format 3i4, f8.2, 8x, f8.2 frejection 1.0 1.0 0. resolution 10 3.5 symmetry p21 end ! model bover 25 input 3ecam.pdb center ! center the molecule at 0 0 0 rotate 255.750 26.000 264.875 euler ! rotate model with Euler angles flag r ! molecule with known orientation end ! tf cutoff 2 0.5 dcutoff 3 resolution 10 3.5 save 20 t ! save top 20 peaks flag a ! search for all molecules solution 1 ! save the top peak as the solution rigid t ! do a rigid-body optimization end ! solution file como1.pdb ! write MR solution to this file dcutoff 3 end ! stop
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