
Appendix A.
New Features

New Features of Version 3.4 --- June, 1996

New Features of Version 3.3 --- April, 1996

New Features of Version 3.2 --- September, 1995

New Features of Version 3.1 --- June, 1995

Appendix B.
Example Inputs

Example input files to this program are provided together with the program distribution. This appendix shows examples for blocks of related inputs. The required portion of each command is given in upper case.

General Set-up
TITLe RF calculation
COMMent anything goes here
PRINt glrf.prt
EULEr zxz
POLAr xzk
ORTHogonalization axabz

Define Crystal A
ACELl 90 90 90 90 90 90
ASYMmetry p212121
AOBS-file fobs.dat
AFORmat 3i4, 2f8.2
ACUToff 1 1 0
APOWer 2
NSHEll 8
ORIGin true

Slow Self Rotation Function
SELF true
CROSs false
FAST false
CUTOff 1.5
BOXSize 3 3 3
GEVAluation 2
RADIus 20
RESOlution 10 3.5
SANGle polar
OANGle euler zxz
SLIMits 1 0 180 3
SLIMits 2 0 180 3
SLIMits 3 180 180 2

Fast Cross Rotation Function
SELF false
CROSs true
FAST true
RADIus 30
RESOlution 10 3.5 \
CUTOff 0.2
SANGle euler
OANGle euler zxz
SLIMits 270 270 0 \

Peak Search and Fitting
PEAK 3 50
PKFIt 4 1.5

Contour Plots
CNTLevel 500 1000 50
SECTion 123

Read in Old Map File
PEAK 3 30
CNTLevel 500 1000 50
SECTion 123

Patterson Correlation Refinement
COORdinate input model.pdb
COORdinate boverall 30
COORdinate output rigid.pdb
GROUp 1 1 60
GROUp 1 181 250
GROUp 2 61 180
P1PC 10 5 1.5

Real Space Rotation Function
RSRF rotation 20 30 40 search
RSRF a-center 0.1 0.2 0.3
RSRF b-center 0.4 0.6 0.5

Non-crystallographic Symmetry
LOCSymmetry 1 0 0 2 vector
LOCSymmetry 1 1 1 3
LOCExpand true

Fast Locked Cross RF
LOCSymmetry 1 0 0 2 vector
LOCSymmetry 0 1 0 2 vector
LOCExpand true
LOCOrient 10 20 30 euler
SELF false
CROSs true
FAST true
RADIus 30
RESOlution 10 4
CUTOff 0.2
SANGle euler
OANGle euler zyz
SLIMits 1 0 180 3
SLIMits 2 0 90 3
SLIMits 3 0 360 3

Locked Translation Function
COORdinate input model.pdb
COORdinate boverall 30
COORdinate output gltf.pdb
GLTF cutoff 1.5
GLTF direct false
GLTF overlap 10 3
GLTF packing false
GLTF radius 30
GLTF rfpeak 10
GLTF SLIMits 1 -30 30 1
GLTF SLIMits 2 -30 30 1
GLTF SLIMits 3 -30 30 1

Appendix C. 
The Triple Rotation Function

In many cases a protein sample has been crystallized into two (or more) different space groups. The orientational relationship between a molecule in the first crystal form and one in the second can be determined by a cross-rotation function between the two crystal forms. Thus, we have the following relationship,


where the two crystal forms are called B and C. Now a cross rotation function can be calculated between a search model and crystal forms B and C simultaneously. The two individual rotation functions are,


Noting the relationship between the B and the C crystals, we should have


The cross-locked rotation function (or triple rotation function) can be defined as the product of the rotation function values corresponding to matrix $[R_{AB}]$ between A and B crystal and matrix $[R_{BC}] [R_{AB}]$ between A and C crystal.

The above derivation can be easily generalized to cases where there are more than one rotational relationships between crystals B and C, and to cases where there are more than two crystal forms (quadruple rotation function ...).

Appendix D.
The Real Space Rotation Function

This function is defined as the product of the electron density for two copies of the same molecule. It is dependent on both the rotational and the translational relationship between the two copies (and in this sense the function is more than just a rotation function).

The relationship between the two copies of the molecule can be written as,

If $S_A$ and $S_B$ are the centers of the molecule in crystals A and B, respectively, then

The correlation between the two molecular copies should be a function of $[C], S_A$ and $S_B$,